Generous Community · Enduring Worship · Gracious Welcome
Backpack Buddies
Backpack Buddies was started back in 2009 to help provide food for kids in Leavenworth schools over the weekend. Leavenworth schools have 63% of its students enrolled in the free/reduced lunch program. These kids frequently go hungry on the weekends. The Backpack Buddy program provides some of these kids a backpack which includes 12 items that are nutritious, easy-to-eat, easy-to-open and which appeal to children. Along with the Second Harvest Food Bank, we partner with 11 Leavenworth area churches to pack and distribute the backpacks to over 300 children. Each year, Backpack Buddies tries to expand to reach more kids in need.
How to get involved: Help us pack the bags during coffee hour or help deliver the bags to the schools when it is our church’s turn. Sponsor a child for $140 per school year. Please make payment to Second Harvest, P.O. Box 50, Leavenworth, KS 66048.